Saturday, October 20, 2012

Vintage dresser before and after -wow- not a chair!

 Vintage Dresser Before and After

I picked up this dresser on a wim at the local goodwill and thought how it deserved a second chance at a good home. 

I have been reading a lot lately on how to restore furniture that wasn't well cared for and thought I would take a stab at it. 

This piece was made by Globe Bosse World Furniture Company a little research and found that G-B-W was mostly destroyed by a fire in 1946. It is still unknown when the exactly the company went out of business, but they were gone by the early 1960s. Sweet a treasure!

As you can see I removed the top of the dresser (damaged by water) using an iron, spay bottle with water, and a butter knife. I wasn't sure if this would work but I had it off in under an hour using this process.

Opps I forgot to put the other drawer back in before I took this. Notice the cool wheels and glass knobs.
So wonderful.
I sanded it down and painted it Pencil yellow from the Martha Stewart collection and cleaned the glass knobs.

After many hours of panting and sanding I can finally say I am finished! On to the next project. This next one is going to be fab! Scored most of the pieces I need for free from a thrift shop up north.