Monday, June 9, 2008

Gold Metal: Sprinkler Event

Yesterday I went out and visited little Miss M and her brother(s). A little disappointed that it was to hot to go on a walk so we turned turned on the sprinkler. Miss M loves the water and if there was an Olympic event in the sprinkler I think she would win a gold metal. Over the summer hopefully she can get in some swim lessons so we can add Olympic Gold Swimmer next to her name.


Lauren June 9, 2008 at 4:44 PM  

Way cute!

Anonymous June 9, 2008 at 10:10 PM  

One thing comes to mind- from a country song I love- "A beautiful baby from the outside in".

Nakki June 10, 2008 at 10:57 PM  

I think you're getting better. Good eye. Good eye, hey!