Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Oh I wish I were a ......

On Saturday I got to check off one of my life goals, which is to see the Oscar Mayer Wiener mobile in person! I can hear the "I am so jealous!" comments as I am typing from you guys out in blog land. It was truly fab to finally see it in person. Did you know there are 6 mobiles that cover the United States and each covers about 6 states. So seeing this in person was a real treat.

Here are a few pics that I took while taking with the ever so fabulous Oscar Mayer mobile drivers. Thanks guys it was a true treat.

And yes I now own the famous wiener whistle.
Stay turned tomorrow to see if my wish came true.


Anonymous August 12, 2008 at 12:22 PM  

way cool- I am so jealous!!!